Refresh an external data connection in Excel
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Code: Sub test Dim ws as Worksheet Dim pt as PivotTable ActiveWorkbook. Note: If you have more than one workbook open, you'll need to repeat the operation in each workbook. I had an issue with turning off a background image a DRAFT watermark in VBA. Press F11 + Alt keys together on the keyboard to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.
My test shows that you need to manually select each chart and choose Chart Tools, Design, Refresh Data. Here you can also select a PivotTable; the data will then be stored in a pivotCache instead of on the worksheet. Does this only work if there are no PivotTables that depend on data in a later sheet?
Refresh an external data connection in Excel - All contents Copyright 1998-2018 by MrExcel Publishing.
In these cases, it may be helpful to refresh all data connections automatically when the workbook is opened. The following macro code allows you to refresh all data connections on Workbook open. RefreshAll End Sub How This Macro Works This macro is an easy one-liner that uses the RefreshAll method. This method refreshes all the connections in a given workbook or worksheet. In this case, we are pointing it to the entire workbook. The thing to note in this macro is that we are using the ThisWorkbook object. This object is an easy and safe way for you to point to the current workbook. What's the difference between ThisWorkbook and The difference between ThisWorkbook and ActiveWorkbook is subtle but important. The ThisWorkbook object refers to the workbook that the code is contained in. The ActiveWorkbook object refers to the workbook that is currently active. They often return the same object, but if the workbook running the code is not the active workbook, they return different objects. How to Use This Macro To implement this macro, you need to copy and paste it into the code window. Placing the macro here allows it to run each time the workbook opens.
The second time the pivotcaches will have the updated data and thus refresh as expected. In that case you could reference the workbook by its name using the Workbooks property. You have a PivotTables collection on a the VB Worksheet object. If your pivot table and source data are on the same sheet then you will need to add code to disable events. I have a couple of VBA queries that refer to Data connections and using this option crashes as the command runs the Data connections without the detail supplied from the VBA I excel vba refresh all the option if you only want the pivots refreshed Sub RefreshPivotTables Dim pivotTable As PivotTable For Each pivotTable In ActiveSheet. The ThisWorkbook property refers to the workbook that the code is in. Now we will highlight and delete the unnecessary code below it. Code: Sub test Dim ws as Worksheet Dim pt as PivotTable ActiveWorkbook. RefreshAll The RefreshAll method will refresh all the pivot tables, queries, and data connections in the workbook. I hope this helps. The only time you might not want to use this is if your pivot table and source data are on the same sheet.